News and Updates
REMINDER: We have a specific email for you to send requests for block surveys/ map updates: Any requests for …
Greetings land agents… We are aware of an issue with the land web site and are investigating. Please do not …
Greetings unto the Pennsic populace from the Department of Zoning and Planning (Land office) We have an important announcement for …
Relevant dates and deadlines for those planning to attend Pennsic War 52 …
The Division of Zoning and Planning (land) coordinates land allocations for registered groups (Land-grab), assists singles campers in locating available camping space, provides arbitration for land disputes, levies and enforces sanctions for violations of land rules, conducts and manages surveys of land blocks, and maintains both the Pennsic site map and the individual block maps, among other responsibilities.
The Land office does not handle issues regarding Porta-Johns (regular or Accessible).
The Land office does not handle approval and specific needs for RV camping.
The Land office does not control or maintain the availability or use of electrical access.
The Land office does not maintain the roads, road signs or water spigots. For issues with roads, or water spigots please contact The Watch.
Finally, the Land office also does not handle mowing or alterations/maintenance of the land, nor does it have authority to authorize attendees to make permanent land improvements or build permanent structures. Any such requests need to be made through the War Room.
Lady Tananda
Deputy Mayor Zoning and Planning
Zoning and Planning
Athro Rhys ab Ismael, OP
Emergency Deputy Mayor Zoning and Planning/Land 2
Zoning and Planning
Shelby of Vagabond,
Land Secretary
Zoning and Planning
Map Pre-Approvals (PMAP)
Zoning and Planning
THL Kale Phokaina Kourkouaina,
Assistant Map Artist
Zoning and Planning
Master John Lyttleton, OL, OP
Map Artist
Zoning and Planning
Count Emerson True, OL, OP
Map Approvals/ Land Historian
Zoning and Planning
Maps Unit Department Head
Zoning and Planning
Baroness Amalie Reinhardt, OP
Deputy Map Artist
Zoning and Planning
Baroness Rosie Posie,
Singles Camping Liaison
Zoning and Planning
Baron John Patrick,
Singles Camping Liaison
Zoning and Planning
Lady Mordona Mayfel,
Map Archivist
Zoning and Planning
Mistress Constance Waite,
Land Hospitality Lead
Land Hospitality
Zoning and Planning
Mistress Ottilige von Rappoltsweiler, OL
Land Hospitality Second
Land Hospitality
Zoning and Planning