Registration Information

News and Updates Pennsic Registration is responsible for assisting attendees with the process of initial entry to Pennsic. The department head of Registration appoints deputies and other staff to manage the department and ensures sufficient volunteer staff for the function of the department.

Cultural Affairs

The Cultural Affairs Division exists to assist attendees with various educational and cultural experiences during Pennsic. News and Updates The Cultural Affairs Division exists to assist attendees with various educational and cultural experiences during Pennsic. The Deputy Mayor of Cultural Affairs is directly responsible for managing the division and reports…

Martial Activities

News and Updates The Martial Activities Division exists to ensure the smooth and safe operation of all martial activities at Pennsic. The Deputy Mayor of Martial Activities is directly responsible for managing the division and reports directly to the Mayor. In addition to the deputy mayor, Martial Activities contains various…

Event Safety

Watch Phone Number: (571) 629-1853 (only active during the event) News and Updates The Event Safety Division exists to assist in the safe operation of Pennsic. The Deputy Mayor of Event Safety is directly responsible for managing the division and reports directly to the Mayor. In addition to the deputy…

Accessibility Assistance

News and Updates Welcome to the home page of Accessibility Assistance. Cooper’s Lake Campground is considered a rustic campground. What this means is that it is not level, it is not flat, not all roads are paved, not all campgrounds have electricity. In short it can be hard to navigate…

Meet Your Staff

Mayor and Executive Staff

Mayor 52 - Sir Gunther KegSlayer

The Pennsic War is unique and special. It is many things to many people. Most importantly, it has room for everyone. It is my hope you can all find a home, a family, a place of your own. I encourage you to find your people, find your family and cherish them, just as I did so many years ago.


Land Web Issues

Greetings land agents… We are aware of an issue with the land web site and are investigating. Please do not panic.. this is just some form of communications issue between our site and the back end for pre registrations, and once it’s resolved your groups will show up correctly. Please…

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Battlefield Pavilions

The Battlefield Pavilion Coordinator is responsible for ensuring the various Kingdom battlefield tents arrive in the location as desired. The priority is Kingdom pavilions and then associated Baronial presences followed by all others. Please have your representative complete the Battlefield Pavilion request form. If they are unable to utilize the…

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