News and Updates

YAMP stands for the Young Adult Mentorship Program. Our program is designed to give young adults, 18 to 24(ish), opportunities to learn from Pennsic staff and develop leadership skills to facilitate the growth of the SCA for future generations! How do I get involved? The program will be on its third cycle for Pennsic 52 and we are looking to expand and offer more mentorships for more candidates. Applications opened on September 1, 2024 and will be accepted until April 1, 2025. We try to give everyone ample time to apply to make sure that every individual has an opportunity …
4 days ago
2 months ago
3 months ago
3 months ago

The Young Adult Mentorship Program, or YAMP, is a program designed to give young adults in the SCA opportunities to learn from and work with members of Pennsic War volunteer staff to develop leadership skills to facilitate the continuation and growth of the SCA and its members for future generations. The program coordinator works with Pennsic staff and mentorship participants to make appropriate mentor-mentee pairings and ensure program participants gain the fullest experience possible.