Armored Combat with Rebated Blades is a new SCA combat style that seeks to recreate one of the many styles of tournament on foot in the 14th-16th centuries. It utilizes blunted steel weapons and only cuts – no thrusts. The rules are similar to what you will find in the duel rules of the modern sport of buhurt, made popular by the Battle of the Nations annual event.

This year at Pennsic, the Steel fighting area will also be host to the new Harnischfechten Experiment, which seeks to reproduce a wider range of historical tournament and dueling techniques.  SCA Harnischfechten rules closely mirror those used in the Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) community outside the SCA. 


The Steel Combat Tent will be open for pickups, practice, and learning according to the following schedule. The area will be closed if there is no one there to participate or open longer if there is significant interest.  Steel and Harnischfechten marshals are encouraged to help out as much as they are willing.”

For more information on SCA Steel combat:

For more information on the Harnischfechten Experiment:
Please see the “Experimental Programs” link at
Or join the discussion at