News and Updates
Volunteer Opportunity: Accessibility Assistance Coordinator for Pennsic 53/54
Registration Updates
Important Dates for Pennsic 52
Newcomer’s Point at Pennsic 52
The Event Resources Division exists to assist attendees with various administrative functions not covered by other specific departments (e.g. Event Safety). The Deputy Mayor of Event Resources is directly responsible for managing the division and reports directly to the Mayor. In addition to the deputy mayor, Event Resources contains departments necessary to facilitate these functions, each of which is overseen by a department head.
Event Resources Departments
Pennsic Registration is responsible for assisting attendees with the process of initial entry to Pennsic. The department head of Registration appoints deputies and other staff to manage the department and ensures sufficient volunteer staff for the function of the department.
Accessibility Assistance
Pennsic Accessibility Assistance is responsible for assisting attendees with various accessibility needs while attending Pennsic. The department head of Accessibility Assistance appoints deputies and other staff to manage the department and ensures sufficient volunteer staff for the function of the department.
Newcomers' Point