Land Web Issues

Greetings land agents… We are aware of an issue with the land web site and are investigating. Please do not panic.. this is just some form of communications issue between our site and the back end for pre registrations, and once it’s resolved your groups will show up correctly. Please…

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Greetings from Pennsic University!

Greetings from your friends at Pennsic University! Guess what day it is? It’s the opening day for class registration for Pennsic War 52! So please go to Thing 2.0 ( to start registering classes you want to teach as well as any other activities that are usually scheduled through Thing.…

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Battlefield Pavilions

The Battlefield Pavilion Coordinator is responsible for ensuring the various Kingdom battlefield tents arrive in the location as desired. The priority is Kingdom pavilions and then associated Baronial presences followed by all others. Please have your representative complete the Battlefield Pavilion request form. If they are unable to utilize the…

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From the Mayor

Greetings unto the attendees of Pennsic War LII.  I, Syr Gunther Kegslayer, have the honor of serving as your Mayor. Though I’ve been involved in the SCA for 28 years, my Pennsic War journey started at Pennsic 27.  There I fought for the Middle Kingdom and camped at Vlad’s Pleasure Pavilions.  For…

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Block Closure Announcement – PW52

Greetings unto the Pennsic populace from the Department of Zoning and Planning (Land office)   We have an important announcement for Pennsic 52.   Due to upcoming changes from Coopers Lake Campground (more below) and in consultation with senior Pennsic staff, Land Blocks B06 and B07 are being closed/removed from Pennsic as…

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