Greetings from your friends at Pennsic University! Guess what day it is? It’s the opening day for class registration for Pennsic War 52! So please go to Thing 2.0 (https://thing.pennsicuniversity.org/login/) to start registering classes you want to teach as well as any other activities that are usually scheduled through Thing. Classes are scheduled in the order they are submitted (generally), so to get the time slots and locations you may want, register early!
Since we are a little late getting started, the registration deadline for being included in the on-line book will be extended until June 1st.
Notes for Teachers
1) Teachers that taught last year, use the username and password you created last year for Thing 2. Once you log in, you should find all your legacy classes available. Be sure to check your inactive classes if you think some are missing.
2) Teachers that did not teach last year will need to create a new profile. However, if you have taught in the last five years, your class information will still be available. When creating your new profile, there will be a box to provide the email you used in Thing, if you fill this in it will automatically bring your legacy classes into your Thing 2.0 account. We apologize, but if you are unable to remember the email you used in Thing, we have no way to look it up.
3) If you taught in a merchant booth or a private camp last year and wish to do so again this year, you can select your location from the track drop down menu. Once we have been given the go ahead for scheduling you will be able to schedule your preferred date and time for your class.
4) You must acknowledge the Policies, and update your availability to teach using a new calendar feature before you will be able to create classes.
5) Once you have entered the days and times you are available to teach, don’t forget to click the “Submit Availability” button or your information will not be saved.
6) If your classes are in one of the covered “tracks” submit your classes through Thing 2.0 as normal. If you think your class belongs in a specific track, select that track from the drop down menu in the track field. If your classes sort clearly into one of the Tracks, you may be contacted by your track coordinator to make sure your request is adequately resourced.
7) Once the online book has been created, if we are forced to reschedule a class because of a conflict, we will make every attempt to contact the teacher to let them know about the change.
8) ALL tents at Pennsic University are a limited resource but we will attempt to meet specific location requests.
As always, it is because of our teachers and students that we do this, and we want you to know how much we appreciate all of you. We look forward to seeing all our returning teachers and students, and meeting all the new students and teachers this summer!
Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have about the University as well as any difficulties you encounter. Send your comments to University@pennsicwar.org
Staff list for Pennsic University, PW52:
Chancellor: Mistress Ciara McRobbie University@pennsicwar.org
University Point Coordinator: Baroness Gina Dragoni UniversityPoint@pennsicwar.org
Registrar: Mistress Gwynnyd of York UniversityRegistrar@pennsicwar.org
Deputy Registrar: Mistress Angharad ferch Tangwystl UniversityRegistrar@pennsicwar.org
ThingWrangler (Development Lead): Lord John Cholemodeley thingmaker@pennsicwar.org
ThingWhisperer (Support): Mistress Artemisia Lacebrayder thingwhisperer@pennsicwar.org
Mistress Ciara